Our Protocol


For over 50 years, many techniques for balancing chemistries have been tried. Those that assisted in correction of the chemistries were combined into what is now called "the Protocol". Those that hindered, or did not help were discarded.

Our 2021 Protocol includes:

1. Before we get started we will give you metal block agents:

1.1. Activated charcoal. There is evidence that activated charcoal taken 10-15 minutes before amalgam removal can bind smaller particles of swallowed mercury, allowing them to be harmlessly passed out of the intestine via the faeces. Very little elemental or inorganic mercury is absorbed through the intestine, under 2.5% of ingested Hg is actually absorbed.

1.2. Cracked-cell Chlorella. The best naturally occuring chelator after coriander (cilantro)

1.3. Depending on your condition we might give you DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic acid). It is an effective oral agent and it is well absorbed. It works for mercury, lead, and arsenic. DMSA is not a chelator and works by a different binding process.

1.4. Chelating EDTA magnetized water to rinse your mouth for at least 1 minute

 2. Latex-free rubber dam, (WE DON'T use latex for your treatments)

2.1.  To isolate the teeth being worked on from your oral environment. Mercury vapour can pass through latex or vinyl rubber dam but it is also true that vapors follow the path of least resistance; this is, straight into our clean-up suction which is significantly stronger than any attempt by patients to breathe through their mouths.

2.2.  Rubber dam makes it easier to evacuate the filling material and prevent amalgam particles from being swallowed or propelled by the bur into your soft tissues, (this could give rise to amalgam tattoos and osteo-necrosis!!!). As long as the patient breathes from an alternative source of air through the nose, little if any mercury vapor will pass through the rubber dam.

2.3.  Rubber dam offers an isolated and dry field for placing the composite filling or ceramic inlay/crown without contaminating freshly cut tooth with saliva and bacteria from breath. It does take a little extra time to place and remove the rubber dam, some patients hate it others love it, there is no water, debris or instruments going down the patient’s throat.

2.4.  Anyone who is concerned about minimizing mercury exposure should insist on its use. In any case, the patient should be instructed not to swallow while the fillings are being drilled out. As in everything, there are exceptions, with some teeth, particularly 3rd molars (wisdom teeth), it may not be possible to place a rubber dam, then the clean-up suction, EDTA mouthwash and charcoal tablets become mandatory.

3. Oxygen during the Amalgam removal

3.1.  We provide the patient with an alternative source of air while their amalgam fillings are being removed. This isn't necessary after the removal process is completed, when the tooth is being prepared for the new filling, and while the new filling is being placed. The patient is provided with a nose hood attached to an oxygen tank. The patient must breathe through the nose and avoid breathing through the mouth while the fillings are being removed.

3.2. Air purification. This is particularly important for the dentist and staff. We have negative air ionizers, Himalayan salt and ozone air purifiers in all our rooms.

3.3.  High-volume evacuator. This is one of the most important tools in minimizing the patient's and staff’s exposure to mercury vapor and amalgam particles. The suction tip should always be kept to within 2-3 cm of the filling during the entire time the filling is being removed. This helps capture more of the mercury vapor and particles. We use two different suctions simultaneously.

3.4. We Keep the fillings cool during removal. Drilling out an amalgam filling generates a tremendous amount of heat, which causes a dramatic increase in the release of mercury, both as a vapor and in amalgam particles, during the entire removal process. Cooling the filling with water and air while drilling dramatically reduces the amount of mercury vapor the filling releases. We do chunking of the amalgam, we only drill enough to cut the filling into chunks, which can then be easily removed by a hand instrument or suction.

4. Full coverage of face and hair to prevent contamination with mercury splatter

5. Intravenous sedation:

5.1. If you are using Intravenous Conscious Sedation, then there is generally only one removal appointment, and it can be 6 or 8 hours long without a problem. Since IV sedation gives a time compression and amnesia, you will not really mind how long you have been there. Remember not to eat or drink anything for 4 hours before the appointment.

 6. Removal Sequence:

6.1.  Sequential removal of fillings

6.2. If removal of ALL of your mercury containing fillings is not possible during a single appointment, we avoid the 7-14-21 day immune cycles and we DO NOT cross the mid line of your face in a single appointment. Be sure to get all of the "removal" appointments (amalgam, nickel crowns and root canals) accomplished within a 30-day period or less if at all possible.

RITA meter evaluation to take electrical readings on your fillings and crowns is available per request.

The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are affected by the immediate discharges at the time of removal so it is not advisable to chart readings for future reference. 

7. Vitamin C

7.1. Use of lypo-spheric Vitamin C and lypo-spheric GSH (when available) to assist in detoxification and supply electrons to the mitochondria for ATP formation. Ideally this should be started 2 weeks before the first appointment for amalgam removal.

7.2. Intra muscular or Intravenous Vit C injections, can be organized.


Eye, airway, body, mouth protection for patient, doctor and staff
Patients should have an appointment for chelation therapy after the dental appointments.
We recommend that everybody must have their amalgam fillings removed in a safe way. Particularly individuals who have mercury related symptoms or diseases related to chronic mercury poisoning, allergies, immune system dysfunction, cancer, etc.

Getting the Excretory Systems Going

Once the amalgam fillings are removed from the teeth, your body will begin to discharge the mercury and other related toxins it had stored up, a process that can take a long time, perhaps years.  Any changes in how you feel in the long run will depend upon efficient excretion, as well as adequate nutrition for rebuilding.  Again, what follows is just the bare-bones basics.  For more details, and for sicker individuals, consult your physician.

  • Perspiration.  Break a sweat every day, and shower it off so that your skin does not reabsorb what it has just excreted.  Exercise is the preferred method, although many detoxification methods use saunas or mineral baths to promote excretion from the skin.  The infrared sauna may be especially effective at promoting excretion in sweat, and mobilizing all kinds of toxins from subcutaneous tissues.
  • Bowel movement.  Most of the heavy metals that are removed from cells of the body by physiological mechanisms are excreted through the liver, and dumped, via the bile, into the intestines.  They must make their way through the intestinal tract before ultimately being voided.  If the bowels are working inefficiently, the toxins can be reabsorbed to poison you all over again.  There are libraries of information and centuries of experience on the subject of bowel cleansing, so I will only mention two tips.  A high fiber diet, from fibrous foods or fiber supplements, will speed up the transit time, and provide a cleaning, scrubbing action in the gut. Active heavy metal scrubbers can hold on to toxic metals, prevent them from being reabsorbed, and make sure they are excreted in the stool.  We are currently recommending IMD (Intestinal Metals Detox, from Quicksilver Scientific), a highly efficient adsorbent of mercury in the bowels.  Other products that are commonly used are cracked-cell chlorella, or activated charcoal capsules, to be taken between meals.
  • Kidney function.  This is the second greatest route of exit for heavy metal toxins, and the most important for the inorganic mercury that amalgam fillings expose us to.  The kidneys are among the organs most susceptible to damage by mercury. Drinking lots of water (+- 2 lt/day), clean and chlorine–free, is extremely helpful for both kidney and intestinal excretion.


Optional as per Dr. Hulda Clark:
· What replacement material have you chosen? Remember that most “white fillings” contain metals too and    that ALL of them are plastic, so, most of them release Bis Phenol Alpha (BPA) and Fluoride. If you cannot        afford ceramic restorations choose the least damaging.
·  Blood chemistry as a method of determining what (if any) supplementation is needed - as well as a                   method of monitoring changes in needs
·         Use of acupressure to reintroduce nerve-muscle interaction
·         Use of massage to assist in balancing calcium metabolism and white blood cell function
·         Monitoring chemistry to determine if healing is over-correcting, under-correcting, or is on course.

In the dental office, expect a dental examination that includes hard (teeth) and soft (gums and neck areas) tissue evaluations. Digital X-rays (offer minimum radiation) will be taken to locate decayed teeth, defective fillings, missing teeth, cavitations, root canal or dead teeth. Models of your teeth may be taken at this time for an evaluation of your bite, and to be used by the laboratory to fabricate replacements for any missing teeth that might be removed during these procedures.


Symptomatic patients:
Your case physician can write prescriptions for blood drawing for the following items:
* blood serum for the chemistry analysis from which your intake of carbohydrate, fat and protein can be                                determined. In other words, a scientific basis for your individual diet.
* The CBC, or complete blood count. This shows the red and white blood cells that are generally altered by the                   presence of mercury and root canals. From these tests information on how your immune system is functioning can be     gleaned, and how removal of dental interference can re-ignite proper immune function. [If you would like blood drawn       for testing, please have your own physician do it, as we have no case  physician at our clinic].

Serum is also drawn to be sent to a special laboratory for what is called the compatibility test. This shows which dental materials interfere with your specific immune function, and which ones can more safely be used in your mouth (more immune compatible with your immune system). [please see above for bio-compatibility testing and follow the instructions if you wish to get this test. We like to have results 2 weeks prior to your appointment. This test is a personal choice not mandatory for us to do your dental work].

Plan your treatment jointly with the dentist, physician, IV personnel, accu-pressurist, nutritionist, detoxification doctor and other health professionals so that the timing of events complements each other, and do not interfere with final results.

Start your nutritional program based on your blood chemistry interpretations as soon as is feasible in the program. The amounts of carbohydrate, protein and fat intake are suggested with the first blood test, and a more refined diet can be determined with follow-up blood tests to check for individual overdoses, under doses or being right on target. [This is the Huggins nutrition plan. Please do whatever you are comfortable with].

Need for calcium is specific, and most patients suffer from an overdose of the improper form of calcium. Care must be exercised when prescribing calcium. Most of the rest of the necessary supplementation is based on your chemistry (not blood type) and is individual. Modifications in dose are based on follow-up chemistry.

Do not take Vitamin C the day of dental procedures. Vitamin C by mouth will shorten the effect of the dental anaesthetic to literally around 10 minutes. The IV form of Vitamin C does not do this for reasons unknown, but even 500 milligrams in the tablet form will detoxify the anaesthetic adequately to let you feel the pain of drilling or surgery.

Observe the Patient Protection Protocol as closely as is possible during removal procedures. Please realize that many dentists do not have all the safety equipment described, so see how much you can live with, and without. Complete protection includes the use of the rubber dam during amalgam removal; the use of copious amounts of water with high suction while amalgams and nickel crowns are being cut with the high speed drill; placement of dental materials that have been proved to be bio-compatible with you; presence of negative ion generators to remove the massive amount of mercury vapor within the dental office; IV Vitamin C during the removal procedures.


Please avoid codeine when possible, for it makes many people nauseated, and is constipating for the majority of people. Minimal travel after surgery is advisable (like one or 2 miles) for the vibration in a car can release the blood clot resulting in the famous painful "dry socket". Smoking after surgery will almost guarantee the formation of a painful dry socket. Be forewarned.

Be absolutely certain that your IV during the dental procedures contains NO Vitamin B-12. B-12 in any form is a methylator, and methyl mercury is extremely damaging to your nervous system.

Acupressure immediately after dental appointments is helpful to all patients, and especially those with neurological problems. With all the electrical currents beaming into the brain for many years (at a current 1000 times greater than the brain operates on) the brain tries to accommodate, then upon removal of this current, the brain tries to compensate and recoup. The result can be a pretty uncomfortable feeling for about a week. It can be accomplished while the IV is still running. This is not a problem.

Massage is a good way to stimulate lymphatic drainage, and is in particular helpful in patients with white blood cell or serum calcium problems. It can be applied a few days before the dental removal sessions, and a few days afterwards. 

After dental removal procedures are completed, be sure that the patient maintains a high protein diet. If surgery was done, best use a blender for a few days to avoid damage to fresh surgical sites. In our Bryanston branch we have Lymphatic drainage equipment among other bio-hacking technology.

Remember, eating the right foods is only part of the treatment. You have to digest, absorb and assimilate the breakdown products of foods before your body can really build a new you. It takes a renewed gut to do that. [This is something you can do on your own if you wish, as we do not do it, but please taper off vitamin c gradually. Taking high doses of c and stopping suddenly can cause Scoliosis (curvature of the spine).]

Select the detoxification procedures that are available and acceptable to you. Be careful to find the balance between adequate and overdoing. Two to three procedures per week is adequate for most people, and six to seven per week is overdoing it for almost anyone. Be kind to you. The biggest single problem post dental revision is too much detoxification too fast. Be real careful here. This goes for detoxification medications as well as saunas, etc. Get educated.

 Read the book on detoxification and take heed. 

See to it that your follow-up blood tests and interpretations are scheduled. It is easy to slip back into the habits that created your original problem, so all of us need the hand holding to maintain improved health.

A really important part of going through this program is that you have a competent caregiver. Especially during dental procedures, the brain is undergoing a new form of electrical and chemical stimulation, and it can easily become confused.


Even menial tasks like selecting which clothes to wear, which foods to eat, preparing the foods, cleaning up the kitchen afterward, what time are the appointments, are stresses to a patient undergoing dental revision that are not ordinarily considered stressors.


Having someone appointed as designated decision maker will enhance healing and reduce stress on your immune system.


Pull off your ego hat, and let someone else help you at this time.